Mental health issues sould not be a taboo!

 This photograph was taken at the chapel of SJOG, on the right Saint Ioannis

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As you may have read on this blog, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (type 1) (BP1) on October 2018.

I was on the wrong meds for almost two mind was cloudy but I did try and I did manage to work. Since 2020 and another short relapse, I start being an outpatient at St John of God hospital in Dublin. The Greek doctor in Athens (August 2020) and since then my doctors at SJOG have saved my life.

As Stephen Fry says here...

“I know I can say with absolute truth that psychiatry saved my life at its lowest moment. I don’t believe I would be here today if it were not for the psychiatrist who rescued me. The smartest and most caring minds are needed in this field and – happily – the trend towards choosing psychiatry as a speciality has lately been upward, upward, upward.”   

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As psychiatry evolves, we are learning about the "grey" area between different manifestations of BP.

For example, hyperthymia and BP are linked as explained superbly here. 

If you know someone with any mental health issues, try to be understanding and supportive! 

Us, suffering from any mental health conditions, we need you, family, friends and colleagues.

And let's try all together to advocate the wonderful work of SeaChange : there is no shame in having a mental health difficulty!



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